Housing support service

Floating support is available to tenants who have or might have difficulties in managing their tenancy. It is provided in Cambridge by P3 Charity.

Support is flexible and tailored to individual needs, ensuring you receive the right support at the right time. This helps to address any difficulties that might prevent independent living, such as mental ill health or financial issues.

If you need support, or would like to refer somebody else, you can make a referral to P3 Charity online.

P3 Charity can help by:

  • talking to service providers to coordinate care
  • accompanying you to appointments and meetings
  • advising and supporting you to develop the skills needed to maintain your own home
  • advising on household security
  • encouraging you to take up opportunities in training, employment, education and voluntary work
  • signposting to other services such as mental health or drug or alcohol support where needed

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