Black History Month

Black History Month is held every year in October. It promotes the history and contributions that Black people with origins in Africa, the Caribbean, North and South America and other Black communities around the world have made to Cambridge and the UK.

Events around the country include history and heritage, arts and culture, news and ideas from a range of communities. It is an opportunity to share activities and experiences.

Black History Month 2023

We and our partners across Cambridge promoted a number of events to celebrate Cambridge’s Black heritage in 2023. Highlights included a printmaking workshop inspired by Ghanaian Adinkra symbols, a Women’s Voices for Africa art exhibition, Gabrielle’s 30 Years of Dreaming tour and Windrush stories: presenting the lives of the Windrush generation.

Visit the Black History Month website to find out more about the celebration and about national events.

Windrush generation in Cambridge

The Windrush generation are people who moved to the UK from Caribbean countries between 1948 and 1971. They were encouraged to do so to help with post-war labour shortages and to rebuild the UK’s economy.

Oblique Arts have collated stories from people in Cambridge who are part of the Windrush generation. They have captured the stories of their lives before they came here, their journeys, and their experiences of living here.

You can download a free booklet of the stories from Oblique Arts.

The African Caribbean Research Group conducted the interviews for Oblique Arts. We supported the project with a Community Grant.

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