Allotment sites

We manage 12 of the 26 allotment sites in Cambridge.

Visit the Cambridge Allotments Network website to find out about the 14 sites we do not manage.

Council-managed allotments

Allotments managed by allotment societies

Council-managed allotments

Auckland Road

This allotment site adjacent to Midsummer Common has a secured high-level fence and pedestrian entrance. Restricted parking is available nearby. 

There are the equivalent of 12 10-pole plots across 2,900 square metres (0.7 acres) of land.

Bateson Road

This small site is located close to a small play area and has a secured entrance.

There are the equivalent of four 10-pole plots across 1,300 square metres (0.28 acres) of land.

Clay Farm

151 plots located near Pinnington Close. Vehicular and pedestrian access is available.

Darwin Green

Three sites being built – details to follow soon.

Empty Common

This large allotment site on Brooklands Avenue is bordered by two brooks, opposite the botanical gardens. The site has trough water provision and a car park with a secured entrance.

There are the equivalent of 47 10-pole plots across 15,300 square metres (3.77 acres) of land.

Fanshawe Road

This site next to Coleridge recreation ground has a communal shed and trough water provision.

There are the equivalent of 29 10-pole plots across 5,800 square metres (1.43 acres) of land.

Glebe Farm

27 plots located off Overhill Close. Pedestrian access only.

Hawthorn Way

This small site situated in a housing estate has secured vehicle access, a communal shed and a water pump.

There are the equivalent of five 10-pole plots across 1,700 square metres (0.35 acres) of land.

Kendal Way

This small site with parking access is situated in a housing area close to Milton Road.

There are the equivalent of three 10-pole plots across 1,000 square metres (0.25 acres) of land.

Maple Close

This small site is situated in a housing area off Mill Road.

There are the equivalent of two 10-pole plots across 600 square metres (0.15 acres) of land.

New Street

This site has secured vehicle and pedestrian access although there is restricted parking. It is close to Newmarket Road.

There are the equivalent of 18 10-pole plots across 4,900 square metres (1.16 acres) of land.


28 plots located off Vawser Way. Pedestrian access only.

Trumpington Meadows

63 plots located off Grantchester Road. Vehicle and pedestrian access is available.

Allotments on growth sites

Allotments are being built at many of the growth sites in Cambridge.

If you live at one of the postcodes listed below, you can apply for an allotment plot.

Clay Farm (Great Kneighton)

  • CB2 9AN
  • CB2 9AP
  • CB2 9AQ
  • CB2 9AR
  • CB2 9AS
  • CB2 9AT
  • CB2 9AU
  • CB2 9AW
  • CB2 9AX
  • CB2 9BA
  • CB2 9BB
  • CB2 9BD
  • CB2 9BE
  • CB2 9BF
  • CB2 9BG
  • CB2 9BH
  • CB2 9BN
  • CB2 9BL
  • CB2 9BW
  • CB2 9BX
  • CB2 9BY
  • CB2 9BZ
  • CB2 9DA
  • CB2 9DB
  • CB2 9DD
  • CB2 9DE
  • CB2 9DF
  • CB2 9DG
  • CB2 9DH
  • CB2 9DJ
  • CB2 9DL
  • CB2 9DN
  • CB2 9DP
  • CB2 9DQ
  • CB2 9DW
  • CB2 9DU
  • CB2 9DS
  • CB2 9DT
  • CB2 9DR
  • CB2 9EQ
  • CB2 9ET

Darwin Green

  • CB3 0GX
  • CB3 0RZ
  • CB3 0SJ
  • CB3 0UE
  • CB3 0UF
  • CB3 0UG
  • CB3 0UH
  • CB3 0UJ
  • CB3 0UL
  • CB3 0UN
  • CB3 0UP
  • CB3 0UQ

Glebe Farm

  • CB2 9NS
  • CB2 9NT
  • CB2 9NY
  • CB2 9NZ
  • CB2 9PA
  • CB2 9PB
  • CB2 9PD
  • CB2 9PF
  • CB2 9PG
  • CB2 9PH
  • CB2 9PJ
  • CB2 9PL
  • CB2 9PN
  • CB2 9PP
  • CB2 9PQ
  • CB2 9PR
  • CB2 9PS

Ninewells (Bell School)

  • CB2 0AL
  • CB2 0AN
  • CB2 0AP
  • CB2 0AR
  • CB2 0AQ
  • CB2 0AS

Trumpington Meadows

  • CB2 9AB
  • CB2 9AD
  • CB2 9AE
  • CB2 9AF
  • CB2 9AG
  • CB2 9AH
  • CB2 9AJ
  • CB2 9AL
  • CB2 9BJ
  • CB2 9BP
  • CB2 9BQ
  • CB2 9BS
  • CB2 9BT
  • CB2 9BU
  • CB2 9DZ
  • CB2 9DY
  • CB2 9EA
  • CB2 9ED
  • CB2 9EE
  • CB2 9EW
  • CB2 9FR
  • CB2 9FU
  • CB2 9FW
  • CB2 9FX
  • CB2 9FY

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